

Note from the Director

The course descriptions presented herein are provided for convenience. However, they are subject to change. Students can consult with the instructor regarding the descriptions. Students should search and/or verify course availabilities and schedules by reviewing the link. For additional course descriptions, see the SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING within the UNM CATALOG:  

ECE 574L - Microelectronics Process I

Materials science of semiconductors, microelectronics technologies, device/circuit fabrication, parasitics and packaging. Lab project features small group design/fabrication/testing of a simple MOS circuit. 


ME 586 - Design for Manufacturability

It has been claimed that 80% of the ultimate cost to produce a product is the direct result of the design. In this course, we will explore various techniques that make a product design manufacturable in an economic sense. Topics will include design as part of the manufacturing process, Boothroyd and Dewhurst manual assembly techniques, concurrent engineering, quality measures, robotic assembly techniques, rules for design, Taguchi techniques, testing, life cycle, environmental concerns, and other tools that help to analyze and measure designs quantitatively. A significant component of the course is the project, specified and executed by a student team. This class is taught online and asynchronously, i.e., students can watch lectures at any time.

Instructor: Dr. Ron Lumia, email:


ME-517 Fundamentals of Microsystems Fabrication

Through hands-on labs, teamwork, and interactive lectures, the student can expect to be provided with an overview of fundamental microsystems fabrication methods, process optimization, and characterization found in micromachining technologies in a cleanroom environment. 

Instructor: Dr. Matt Pleil, email:


ME-518  Foundations of MEMS Design

MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) or Microsystems is one of the most influential technologies of the 20th and 21st century. This course covers the fundamentals of MEMS Design and Transduction Mechanisms.  The three main pillars of knowledge for MEMS engineers are design, fabrication, and materials.  This course will focus on design of MEMS devices and materials used in MEMS processing and will briefly cover basic microfabrication techniques.  The multi-discipline nature of MEMS will give the students’ knowledge and experience in cross disciplines of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, material science, physics, and chemistry.  The goal of the course is to understand and apply methods used to design MEMS devices that have varying transduction mechanisms.

 Instructor: Prof. Nathan Jackson, email:


ME-519  Advanced Micro and Nano Fabrication

Introduction to principles and theory of advanced microfabrication techniques, and applications of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Covers the theory and fundamentals of microfabrication including photolithography, thermal oxidation, PVD and CVD, etching, implantation, diffusion, and process integration, and packaging. The course combines theory with hands-on experience of manufacturing MEMS devices and process engineering.

 Instructor: Prof. Nathan Jackson, email:


 ME-561/562 Lean Principles and Applications

Course covers the fundamentals of value added and non-value added activities pertaining to lean production.  Topics cover lean concepts and their role in lean improvement:  5S/6S, house-keeping, waste elimination, standardization, Jidoka, one-piece flow, kaizen, customer demand pace (takt), eliminating barriers to flow, enterprise thinking, systems thinking, flow, pull system, just-in-time, lean product design, load leveling, mistake proofing, mura, muri, muda, PDCA, 5 Whys, quick changeover (SMED), respect for the individual, total productive maintenance, and visual workplace.  Class activities include waste walks, problem solving, lean value stream mapping and simulations.  Applications include home, school, and workplace.

 Instructor: Dr. Keith Kozlowski, email:


MGMT-501 Data-Driven Decision-Making

Apply inferential statistics, using numerical and graphical summaries of data, to make informed business decisions. Tools include spreadsheet applications to analyze real world decision making situations.
MGMT-504  Managerial Economics
This is a course in microeconomics, which is the study of individual decision making in a world in which wants exceed available resources.


MGMT-506  Managing People in Organizations

Intensive examination of behavioral science research and theory as a basis for understanding, managing and changing organizations. The course emphasizes effective management with diverse individuals.


MGMT-521  Manufacturing Systems Management

An introduction to the principles and techniques necessary for the efficient design and operation of production and inventory planning, scheduling, and control systems. Topics include master planning, capacity management, inventory control, production activity control, JIT, MRP, and synchronous manufacturing.